FESS Shortlisted by SCPPA to provide six new services to customers

FESS is pleased to announce that it has been shortlisted by the Southern California Public Power Authority (SCPPA) to provide six different services:

  • Residential Auditing
  • Commercial Auditing
  • Residential Direct Installation
  • Commercial Direct Installation
  • Home Performance Contracting
  • Upstream Rebate Program Development and Implementation

FESS Energy wins contract extension for SCE Direct Install Program

FESS has been approved by SCE to continue providing Direct Install services and energy efficiency upgrades to customers for fiscal year 2016.

FESS Energy wins contract extension for Faith Based Organization/Community Based Organization (FBO/CBO) Internship program

FESS has been approved by SCE to continue growing and training new candidates in its FBO/CBO internship program. Over 100 interns have participated in the internship program over the past 6 years.

FESS Energy assigned a new region within SCE's customer territories

FESS has been sanctioned by SCE to work in Preferred Resources Pilot (PRP) areas to help reduce grid stress and reduce energy consumption within resource stretched regions.

FESS brings new innovations in lighting technology to customers

FESS has been sanctioned by SCE to include candelabra fixtures in its Commercial Direct Install Programs. Savings from this measure have exceeded expectations and helped further current DI program goals.

FESS Attends SCE Business Forum

FESS members participated in, and attended the SCE Business Forum at SCE's Irwindale Education Center. FESS is an active member in the California Energy Efficiency Industry Council (CEEIC) and regularly attends seminars and conferences where key utility decision makers discuss the future of EE in California and throughout the nation.

FESS Tracks New EE Legislation

The following has been released by the California Energy Commission:

2016 Nonresidential Compliance Manual

The forms for the percent reduction approach are the LTI-06 form (for indoor lighting) and the LTO-04 form (for outdoor lighting).

Note that while the compliance option to use these forms under the 2013 Standards is effective immediately, we are still conducting outreach to local building departments and officials who may not be aware of the change. Also note that the compliance option does not adopt the 2016 language early: there are new exceptions and clarifications in the 2016 Standards that do not become effective until January 1, 2017. This option only allows for calculating your Lighting Power Allowance based on a percent reduction of the existing lighting power and foregoing bi-level lighting controls.

FESS Attends PG&E's 2016 Business Forum

FESS members participated in, and attended the PG& E Business Forum at PG&E's Energy Center in San Francisco. Topics included Demand Response, customer experience, future program/state savings goals, key areas of focus and successes/challenges of the current EE industry.

FESS Attends Lightfair International

FESS attended Lightfair International in San Diego observing and reviewing all the industry innovations changing the dynamic and face of energy efficiency in California and throughout the world.

FESS Reviews New EE Measures

FESS is currently reviewing new lighting and energy savings technologies to include and integrate into the programs it currently administers and is preparing to administer in the near future. FESS is an early adopter and will continue to keep an eye out for the leading/game changing technologies that help provide and accomplish customer/client goals.


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